Samuel's 100wc

“Hey guys do you see that”? “See what?”, I said. “That crescent shaped thing up there”. “Don't be stupid”, Said John. “That's the moon”. “Not that. That”. Jeremy pointed in the other direction. “There's two of them, three, four...AAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH! It’s raining bananas!”

We ran as fast as we could, trying not to get pummelled by raining bananas. “We need to get our weapons!”. shouted Jeremy. I could hardly hear him over the sound of thudding bananas.

“The bananas are slowing down!”. As one more banana falls down I catch it, written on it is ‘last banana in the whole world.’


  1. cool good job

  2. Really enjoyed reading it and I can't wait to see it with more words.

  3. Very creative idea

  4. i like how you did AAAAARRRRRRGGGHHH in your story

  5. I loved the comedy in this story!


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